Adult Individual Therapy

Why choose therapy?

  • You’re tired of obsessing about food and your body

  • You struggle with restriction, binge eating, purging or overexercising

  • Negative thoughts about your body are keeping you from enjoying life

  • You want to improve your self-esteem and detach your worth from your weight

Following an initial 90 minute assessment session, we will develop an individual treatment plan. Typically this plan will involve weekly 50-55-minute therapy sessions, where we’ll work together to set goals, change the behaviours that are keeping you stuck, and explore and push through self-limiting beliefs. I’ll support you to develop self-compassion, body-acceptance, and food freedom.

Together, we’ll uncover the function of the disordered eating behaviours and work to acquire more effective and life-affirming coping strategies.

You can live a life that is free from constant food obsession, body-shame, and self-loathing. ​

*I’m taking on a limited number of new therapy clients. If spots are full, I’m happy to refer you to another service or offer you a place on my wait-list.

Note that EDTA is able to provide private treatment for individuals:

  • over the age of 16

  • with a BMI above 17

  • who have not been hospitalised within the past 6 months for issues of medical instability associated with an eating disorder, malnutrition, or psychiatric risk (these persons likely require a higher level of care than I’m able to provide in this setting).

Therapy Approach

I’m trained and experienced in the delivery of evidence-based treatments, including:

  • Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders (CBT-ED), Enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT-E), and ten session Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT-T)

  • Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM)

  • Guided Self-Help (GSH)

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders (DBT-ED)

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Additionally, I use a weight inclusive/Health At Every Size informed approach to treatment.

What Former Clients Have Said*

*[All quotes are from unsolicited farewell messages provided by clients in the last session of their treatment journey. They are shared anonymously.]