• The clinic is located at 9a Roslyn Rd in the suburb of Mount Wellington, Auckland. The clinic rooms are associated with a group practice (ExPSYted). There is limited parking on site and ample street parking nearby.

    Face-to-face sessions are preferable. Suitability for telehealth online treatment will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  • Clinic days are currently Mondays and Wednesdays.

    There may be some flexibility with this for scheduling initial assessments.

  • Initial assessment (90 minutes) - $360 + GST ($414)

    Therapy session (55 minutes) - $220 + GST ($253)

    Liaison and letter writing (per 60 minutes) - $110 + GST  ($126.50).

    Payment can be made via bank transfer. Invoices will be sent after each appointment. Please pay within 5 days of your appointment.

    I am unfortunately unable to re-book clients who have 2 outstanding invoices.

  • I will always make an effort to change appointment times when asked. Due to the high demand for specialist eating disorder treatment, late cancellation and non-attendance fees apply. This fee acknowledges the time the clinician has set aside to prepare for and attend the appointment, and that other clients on the wait-list cannot be booked to fill the slot at short notice.

    • Cancelled with 24-48 hrs notice (excluding weekends) - $50 + GST ($57.50) fee

    • Less than 24 hours notice of cancellation, or missed appointment - full consultation fee

    If a sudden illness or an unexpected emergency arises that prevents you from giving notice that you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, please discuss with me as soon as you are able regarding a possible exemption.

    Telehealth appointments will be cancelled and charged at the full rate if they are not attended within the first 20 minutes.

  • Some clients benefit from having a care team, which includes the clinical psychologist plus specialist support from other health professionals, such as dietitians, psychiatrists, medical doctors, and/or recovery coaches. EDTA is associated with various professionals in these scopes and may be able to provide recommendations or referrals. If additional support seems indicated, I will discuss this with you in your session.

    Eating disorders come with physical health risks. If clinically indicated, a letter will be sent to your GP at the start and completion of therapy (there is no letter-writing fee for this). With your consent, I may also liaise with your GP on an as-needs basis throughout the course of therapy, particularly if there are concerns regarding your symptoms. Clinical psychologists are not medical doctors so it is important that any medical concerns, including review of medical parameters and medications, are addressed by your doctor.

  • Yes, for individuals struggling with a cycle of food restriction and binge eating (and/or Bulimic behaviours), EDTA offers a 12-week Cognitive Behavioural skills group programme. The cost is approximately one-third of that of a standard course of individual treatment for these issues. The group runs 1-2x per year, with group sizes of between 8-12 clients. The start date is dependent on when we have a group number in this range. The group is currently delivered online via Zoom, though face-to-face groups may be offered in future. See the Group Therapy page under Services or contact me for more information.

    Potential group members must still undergo an initial individual assessment to determine suitability.

  • Please note I am unable to provide private treatment for individuals with a BMI under 17 or persons who have been hospitalised due to malnutrition or psychiatric risk within the past 6 months. For safety, these individuals are better served by the public health system where there is greater access to multidisciplinary care and crisis support.

    I also do not treat individuals under the age of 18 or individuals who might be better served by a family based treatment approach.

  • Please do. I’m equally passionate about providing support to those who do not meet the strict criteria for a clinical eating disorder, but who have any level of disordered eating or body dissatisfaction (size/weight/shape) that is causing distress or interfering with life.

  • A focus on losing weight is incompatible with recovery from an eating disorder. Often, efforts to lose weight (such as dieting and overexercising) are factors that maintain the eating disorder.

    The goals of eating disorder treatment include developing a normal relationship with food and moving towards body acceptance/neutrality. During treatment, you may lose weight, gain weight, or your weight may stay the same. In our work, you will learn about the complex biological mechanisms that determine body weight, and I will support you to learn skills that will help you to have more appreciation for your hard-working body.

Frequently Asked Questions

For Professionals

  • I’d be very happy to help. Please get in touch with me via the Consultation & Supervision page to discuss your needs.

  • Enquiries from interested health professionals are welcomed. Please contact me via the box on the Consultation & Supervision page.

  • Yes, I’m passionate about sharing knowledge and supporting people to have a better understanding of eating disorders, their treatment, and the complex determinants of body weight and shape. I’m experienced in presenting to registered health professionals, tertiary students, and community groups.

    Please see the Trainings page for more information, or get in touch via the Consultation & Supervision page to discuss a specific speaking engagement.