Supervision & Consultation

Why seek out specialist eating disorder supervision & consultation?

Many mental health professionals feel understandably anxious about treating Eating Disorders and their comorbidities, and can feel out of their depth when it comes to addressing these conditions.

Whilst there are certainly risks associated with treating Eating Disorders, with the right guidance many practitioners are capable of navigating these and up-skilling to include evidence-based Eating Disorder work in their clinical practice.

Best practice involves an approach that combines scientific research evidence, clinical expertise, and a respect for patient values, preferences and characteristics.

What Former Supervisees Have Said*

*[All quotes are responses given from clinical supervisees in response to a routine unsolicited review. They are shared anonymously.]

When clinicians can be supported to feel competent and effective in addressing disordered eating, it manifests in

  • more positive treatment outcomes.

  • greater satisfaction and wellbeing for clients.

  • positive therapeutic rapport.

  • safe practice and the experience of mastery for clinicians.

Why work with me?

  • Clinical Experience: I’ve specialised in the assessment and evidence-based treatment of clinical eating disorders for over 9 years, working with clients presenting with mild to severe illness, many of whom experienced comorbid conditions.

  • Knowledge of Eating Disorder Treatment Models: I’m trained in the leading specialist models for the treatment of eating disorders, including CBT for Eating Disorders, Enhanced CBT, and CBT-T; Specialist Supportive Clinical Management; Guided Self-Help; and DBT for Eating Disorders.

  • Knowledge of Scopes of Practice: As a clinical psychologist who has worked in a Multi-Disciplinary Treatment team, I’m equipped to recognise which client matters can be competently managed by a psychologist/counsellor/psychotherapist, and which matters require additional support from another scope of practice (e.g., a doctor, dietitian, crisis team, etc.).

  • Supervision Experience: I’ve supervised clinical psychologists, including those new to the field of eating disorders and student interns who have needed to demonstrate specific competencies to become qualified. I undertook formal clinical supervision training at the University of Auckland in December 2018.

  • Consultation Experience: When I became the coordinator of an adult treatment team I adopted an open door policy: colleagues could consult with me whenever they had queries or concerns about a case, wanted to run clinical decisions past another clinician, or were feeling stuck and unsure of what techniques to try next to help a client to progress. I enjoy being able to support my peers in this way and to help them feel confident in their own practice. I have also given various talks and lectures, advising certain professional groups on essential knowledge regarding eating disorders.

  • Collegial Approach: I’m passionate about sharing knowledge, and believe that we’re a community of professionals supporting a community of clients; we can all benefit from working collaboratively within the eating disorders field.

  • Reflective Practice: I’m experienced in utilising and facilitating self-reflective practice. I recognise that we’re all human and that we’re all learning and capable of making mistakes, and so I feel it is important to be compassionate and validating when examining our professional selves. I know the importance of identifying and celebrating successes in addition to troubleshooting areas for further growth and development.

Please contact me to discuss supervision or consultation. Appointments can be in person or via telehealth depending on your needs, location and availability.

All details (yours and clients) will remain confidential.