Training & Workshops

Please contact me if you would like to request a training or workshop for your team, service, or educational facility.

On Demand Training

Addressing Weight Stigma in Clinical Practice

Professional presentation for healthcare practitioners on weight stigma, Eating Disorders, why diets do not work, and how to practise from a size inclusive/HAES approach. (90 mins duration).

Link available to health professionals upon request.

Eating Disorders 101

Professional presentation for students of psychology, counselling or medicine, and mental health practitioners and trainees. Presentation is in two parts:

(1) core Eating Disorder textbook knowledge, including diagnoses, formulation, and evidence-based treatments;

(2) new perspectives in the field, including limitations of the diagnoses, and the role of diet culture and social inequities. (90 mins duration).

Link available to health professionals/health students upon request.